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The camp is judged on the basis that it is comprised of the following tents: - Sleeping tent(s) (may be of any type; boys and girls must have separate tents for sleeping in). - Store tent(s) (must be separate from the sleeping tent, large enough for all food and equipment whilst not in use, and must allow sufficient ventilation). - Dining shelter (must be distinct from the store tent and be of sufficient size to allow the whole Patrol to sit under it). - The rules do not exclude any type of tent and no tent style is given preferential treatment in the marking scheme, however Patrols should consider suitability (size, ventilation etc.) as this will influence points awarded. - Toilet tents are not required as there are toilet blocks on site. - Tents must be in a serviceable condition with all required accessories attached/available (e.g. main guy ropes and dollies for traditional Patrol tents, sufficient pegs and mallets of the appropriate type).

Special Project Equipment

Patrols should bring their own equipment for the special project, which is judged as part of the main competition. Patrols should plan their special project before the weekend. The theme for the project is different each year (see the special project page) and is designed to allow Patrols to use a wide variety of materials depending on what they aim to make. Some bamboo poles are available to borrow from the County if required (please contact us as early as possible if you would like to borrow some).

Washing Facilities

Patrols should bring their own bowls for washing in and prepare their own hot water.


Patrols are expected to bring all their own provisions for the weekend, to store them properly and to prepare them on site (e.g. no pre-cut vegetables). Frozen food is not permitted and neither is alcohol (even as a cooking ingredient). Early in the weekend the Safety Officer will perform a food inspection (not marked), and will confiscate: - Food that is past being safe to eat - Food that has been frozen - Alcohol If food is confiscated, the Scout Leader will be contacted to explain why and give them the opportunity to bring replacement food. Saturday Dinner will be the main meal and should be three courses (of which at least the main course must be served hot). It must be cooked on an altar fire using wood for fuel (the use of charcoal will be penalised via the marking). The menu is of the Patrol’s own choosing. Points will be awarded for preparation, cooking and presentation. Sunday breakfast (also judged) can be cooked on either gas stoves or altar fires.

Gas Appliances

Gas cookers and lanterns must be in good working order. Hoses for gas cookers should be checked before the camp to confirm that they are in a serviceable condition (e.g. no cracks, cuts or abrasions). Any appliances deemed unsafe by the Safety Officer will be removed and returned at the end of the competition. The home contact will be called to arrange replacements if necessary. If spare parts are brought to camp (e.g. mantels for gas lanterns, spring clips for gas cookers), these should only be changed under supervision. Gas canisters similarly should only be changed under supervision. The Safety Officer will be available to perform such changes on request; no points will be deducted for this.

Altar Fires

Patrols must bring their own altar fire, or arrange to borrow one from the site (please contact us as early as possible if you need to borrow one). The fire must be of a firm and stable construction with drum/tray and legs all in good condition and strong enough to support foreseeable loads. All altar fires must be put out before going to the campfire on Saturday evening. Ground fires are not allowed.


The site has limited firewood, so please bring your own if possible. Any wood not used must be deposited in the wood pile before departure. Wood cutting should take place in an appropriately sized chopping area (which should be marked out within the boundary of the Patrol camping area). A chopping block should be brought to enable the safe use of axes and saws.

Wood-Cutting Tools

Axes and saws must have appropriate covers and be stored in a suitable manor. At least one member of the Patrol should have adequate experience and knowledge of the safety aspects.


Wet pits must not be dug (surface drains only). Rubbish disposal will be available (Patrols must supply their own rubbish sacks). Recyclable waste should be cleaned, sorted and stored appropriately, then disposed of in the site recycling facilities before departure.

Camp Gadgets

Camp gadgets are not judged as a subject in their own right, but do contribute to overall site development. Well constructed camp gadgets are therefore likely to attract higher marks during judging of the site. Gadgets should be constructed on site, but wood may be brought to site already cut to size.

Sheath Knives

Sheath knives are permitted on camp, but must be legal (i.e. blade no longer than 7 cm). They must be used properly and sheathed when not in use. Contravention of this rule will result in confiscation of the knife until the end of the camp, when it will be returned to the Scout Leader. It is strongly advised that clasp knives are brought in preference to sheath knives.

Mobile Phones

Mobile phones are permitted on camp at own risk (i.e. the Emlyn organisers will not be responsible for any damage). If used at inappropriate times they may be confiscated. Please note that in the event of homesickness or issues it is not helpful for Scouts to directly contact their parents as it creates stress for both parties and can make the situation more complex to manage.


Serious misdemeanours will result in the home contact being called to arrange immediate collection of individuals or the whole Patrol. District personnel will also be informed.

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